Some websites use their Twitter account as an RSS like service for every article they post. Is that ok or would it be considered a doorway? Adel Saoud, Dublin, Ireland Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: Want your … [Read more...]
How does Google use human raters in web search?
Can you provide more details on how Google uses 'human raters' as part of their algorithm? AJ Kohn, SF, CA Read more about search evaluation at Google: Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: … [Read more...]
How does Google use human raters in web search?
Can you provide more details on how Google uses 'human raters' as part of their algorithm? AJ Kohn, SF, CA Read more about search evaluation at Google: Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: … [Read more...]
Internet Video Marketing Process
Because of the high competition in today's market, all corporate marketing efforts need to include an internet video marketing strategy . Here is how the basic process works... Internet Video Marketing Process Step 1. Determine the target keyword … [Read more...]
How to remove an image from Google Images
Watch this video to learn how to remove an undesirable image from Google Images search results. Learn more about requesting the removal of an image: … [Read more...]
Panoramic Demonstration Post
[ptviewer href="" imagewidth="1000" imageheight="345" horizon="105" hfov="228"] [/ptviewer] [ptviewer … [Read more...]
How effective is Google now at handling content supplied via Ajax?
How effective is Google now at handling content supplied via Ajax, is this likely to improve in the future? Ant, Lancaster Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: Want your question to be answered on a video like this? … [Read more...]
Will Google remove a page that I don’t like from its search results?
There's a page about me on the web that I don't like. Will Google remove the page from its search results? Why or why not? Matt Cutts, Bay Area, California Read Matt's blog post: Remove a page or site from Google's search results: … [Read more...]
Does Google take manual action on webspam?
Just to confirm: does Google take manual action on webspam? Does manual action result in a removal or can it also be a demotion? Are there other situations where Google will remove content from its search results? Matt Cutts, Bay Area, California … [Read more...]
Does PageRank flow through image links?
Does PageRank flow through image links? Watch the video for an in-depth answer from Matt Cutts. Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and … [Read more...]