If one wanted to combine 4 different sites into one site, how would you go about doing this? Ryan, Dearborn, MI Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on … [Read more...]
My site doesn’t have much text. Is that a problem?
My site doesn't have much text. Is that a problem? Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when we take new … [Read more...]
Is data about the sites that users block being used in ranking?
Hi Matt, To what extent is the data from Google's relatively new 'block results from this domain' SERP feature being used as a ranking signal? Tristan Perry, Cardiff, UK Read more about our update here: googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Have a … [Read more...]
How can I send feedback to Google?
Google recently has started replacing titles in SERPs, which seemed fine. But now our .co.uk, .com.au, etc are titled ...to New Zealand. The page titles do not mention NZ at all. How can we report for someone at Google to have a look at this? Adeel, … [Read more...]
Which ranking signals do SEOs worry about too much?
What ranking signals would you say SEOs worry about too much? What ranking signals should SEOs should focus on the most. Bonus points if you can answer in concise bullets and without using the word quality. ;) Scared of Clowns, Seattle, WA Have a … [Read more...]
Should I disallow Googlebot from crawling slower pages?
L … [Read more...]
Do you recommend using special characters in URLs?
A lot of European languages, like Spanish or French, have special characters (ç, á, è, ñ, and so on). Would you recommend to use them in the URLs? What about capital letters? Would you 301 redirect mysite.com/Page to mysite.com/page? Christian … [Read more...]
Don’t block Googlebot from crawling JavaScript and CSS
Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: groups.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when we take new questions: twitter.com More videos: www.youtube.com … [Read more...]
Tampa Internet Marketing Magazine Pro Mobile Responsive Website Theme
Magazine Pro is one of our latest Mobile Responsive Website Theme and supports all of the great articles, audio and video of your content-heavy site, Your online features never looked better than with the versatile layouts and media-ready design of a … [Read more...]
Will Google provide more link data for all sites?
H … [Read more...]