Internet Marketing Case Study #11 – Promotional company wanted to be on page #1 of Google for "custom decorated beach towels". Background: Promotional Company specializing in custom decorated beach towels wanted to generate new business from … [Read more...]
Internet Marketing Case Study #10 – Specialty Gift Company
Internet Marketing Case Study #10 – Specialty Corporate Gift company wanted to be on page #1 of Google for specific keywords in a highly competitive national market. Background: Gift company specializing in high end engraved wine glasses and … [Read more...]
Google Applies “clustering” and Titles To Video Results
Google is now featuring video listings from its universal search results pages in a 2-column, 2×2 format, similar to its format for featuring 2-columns of links of popular websites…. A recent check of today’s Google Trends shows that the search … [Read more...]
YouTube Links Last Twice as Long as Those on Twitter or Facebook [REPORT]
When it comes to spreading popular content around the web, where you post matters. A study that link-shortening service released on its blog Tuesday shows that different kinds of links rise and fizzle at different speeds — depending on the … [Read more...]
The Pros And Cons Of Building An Audience Outside YouTube
The Pros And Cons Of Building An Audience Outside YouTube by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan, Monday, September 5, 2011, 10:30 AM As YouTube marches towards greater market share of viewers and video streams, "It's YouTube's world, we just stream … [Read more...]
Internet Marketing Case Study #9 – Therapy Practice
Tampa Internet Marketing Case Study #9 - Therapy practice website in competitive market not ranking on the front page for local keywords searches. Background: Therapy practice owned a legacy web site and was unable to generate new business … [Read more...]
“The Elegant Estate” Real Estate SEO Web Site Theme
“The Elegant Estate” SEO website template is designed for upscale Commercial and Residential Real Estate companies and Builders that desire to showcase their unique designs or offered properties for sale in an elegant design while still leveraging a … [Read more...]
“The Magnificent” SEO Web Site Customized Theme
"The Magnificent" SEO website template is designed for companies who want to showcase their products and services in a wide combination of formats using text content and upscale images. It comes installed with several elegant layouts that can be … [Read more...]
E-Business SEO Custom Website Theme
The E-Business SEO internet marketing website template theme is designed specifically for businesses to promote their unique products and services in an upbeat format. This Search Engine Optimized format theme comes with featured area blocks in the … [Read more...]
My Cuisine SEO Custom Restaurant Website Theme
The My Cuisine internet marketing SEO website template is designed specifically for restaurants that want to promote their business on the web and showcase their unique style and menu. This template Search Engine Optimized format theme comes with … [Read more...]