Hi Matt I understand that the recent farmer update (Panda) gives a penalty for poor content. Given the penalty scrapers have been outranking original sites. Should webmasters spend time in fighting scrapers directly or work on the poor content? Thx" … [Read more...]
What steps can I take to diagnose a drop in ranking?
When you notice a drastic drop in your rankings and traffic from Google, what process would you take for diagnosing the issue? Ryan, Dearborn, MI Learn how to diagnose ranking issues: www.google.com Site: search and other operators: www.google.com … [Read more...]
How does Google determine page speed?
How does Google determine page speed? In GWT some pages are listed as very slow (8+ seconds). But I have tested on older computers/browsers and they do not take anywhere near that long to load. Why might Google show such high numbers? … [Read more...]
Ranking reports
Matt Cutts discusses ranking reports. … [Read more...]
Does Google consider SEO to be spam?
N … [Read more...]
What are the 3-5 most important things I should pay attention to in Google Webmaster Tools?
T … [Read more...]
How do reconsideration requests work at Google?
Please walk us through the reconsideration request process from Google's perspective. Has anything about the reconsideration process changed recently? Matt Cutts, Bay Area, California For more reasons why your site may not be showing up well in … [Read more...]
Underscores vs. dashes in URLs
Matt Cutts explains the difference between how Google interprets underscores and dashes in a URL. Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and … [Read more...]
Matt Cutts discusses malware detection at Google, including what to do if Google says your site has been infected with malware. The Ghost in the Browser: www.usenix.org About malware and hacked sites: support.google.com What to do if your site is … [Read more...]
How does Google search work?
Hi Matt, could you please explain how Google's ranking and website evaluation process works starting with the crawling and analysis of a site, crawling timelines, frequencies, priorities, indexing and filtering processes within the databases etc. … [Read more...]