On a website, if a page B implements a rel="canonical" link tag with URL of page A, do robots follow every links in page B? Ad, Paris Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video … [Read more...]
Why aren’t the Google Toolbar PageRank values updated more often?
From last few months there are no PR updates from Google. Is Google removing the Page Rank feature to avoid Link Trade that is very popular currently in the industry? Please guide us through the next Google's move regarding Page Rank in future. … [Read more...]
Should I add nofollow to banner ads?
If someone buys a text link from my website I add the nofollow tag so you know it's a paid link. Should I do the same for banner images also? Damian, Blogosphere Russian subtitles provided by Mike Shakin. Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help … [Read more...]
Will setting the rel=”canonical” attribute of a page to itself cause a loop?
Hi Matt, With canonical tags can you point a page to itself.? So if www.google.com/webpage points to www.google.com/webpage will this cause a loop? Mark James, Yeovil UK Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your … [Read more...]
Would you rather spend time with a perfectly optimized website or a barrel full of kittens?
Would you rather spend time with a perfectly optimized website or a barrel full of kittens? What signals would the kittens give you that made them rank higher than the website in this decision? @jzbecker, Vancouver, BC Have a question? Ask it in our … [Read more...]
Will showing recent posts on my homepage cause a duplicate content issue?
Hi, I'm noticing more people are using the API for their blog to pull the latest X posts up to the front page of their website. This gives a refreshing feel to the home page, but is this considered duplicate? David, Stone, UK Russian subtitles … [Read more...]
Why do Amazon.com pages tend to rank well for product queries?
Search for a physical product usually ranks Amazon #1, even though it may not provide the best user experience. What is being done to prevent large corporations from dominating search engine results? Steve K, Pennsylvania Have a question? Ask it in … [Read more...]
How much content should be on a homepage?
More or less content on a homepage. There is certainly a difference of opinion here. Pete, UK Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look … [Read more...]
What should I do if the “noindex” attribute doesn’t appear to be working?
Hi Matt, I've been having issues with the no index attribute. In some instances I placed the attribute to block a page but it still seems to get indexed. Even when the page is cached with the no index attribute, the page does not disappear. Thoughts? … [Read more...]
Is the same content posted under different TLDs a problem?
Is the same content posted under different TLDs considered content duplication? We are an international company with a similar website in several countries, all in English. Atreyu, Spain Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: … [Read more...]