Should "back to top" links have rel="nofollow"? AntonioSo, Montreal, QC Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when … [Read more...]
Is there a way to indicate boilerplate content on a page?
"Have you implemented, or are you going to implement, ways that webmasters can clearly indicate boilerplate content to Google in order to avoid any duplicate content filters (eg CSS IDs/classes)? If so, how would navigation menus be handled?" MrTVTL, … [Read more...]
What do you think about Blekko?
What do you think of the new search engine Blekko? Do you think "slashing the web" will catch on?" DisgruntledGoat, UK Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow … [Read more...]
Can I flag spammy links to my site that I didn’t create?
"Is there a process through which a site owner could flag spammy links being built to their site by third parties (by a competitor for example)? How do you protect against sites being penalised for bad links which they have not built?" Laurence, … [Read more...]
Can coding errors affect how a page is indexed?
"Previously you mentioned that w3c validation isn't a ranking factor. Some people took this to mean that coding errors can't affect SEO. Many don't believe that. Can you give some examples of HTML errors that CAN affect SEO?" Ryan, Dearborn, MI Have … [Read more...]
Can I tell Google about links to my site?
"Once your created backlinks in various sites, how do you tell Google bot to recognize the backlinks created? Can you add a feature in Google webmaster to upload a list of urls that contains a back links to your website in a text file as a solution?" … [Read more...]
Does Google support cross-domain rel=”canonical”?
"Hi, how does Google see cross domain canonicals?" Computerklaus, São Paulo, Brazil Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an … [Read more...]
Tampa Internet Marketing Case Study #8
Internet Marketing Case Study #8 Background: Air conditioning firm in St. Petersburg area of Tampa Bay needed to create a presence on the web for business exposure. Obstacle: Current market is very competitive and contains numerous established … [Read more...]
How do we report a problem with our search results listings?
Hi Matt, A few pages on our site are incorrectly being returned as video results (they are regular pages). How do we fix this? Matt S., Levittown, NY Webmaster Help Forum: Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow … [Read more...]
Is there an advantage to using rel=”canonical” over a 301 redirect?
Hey Matt. I had a lingering question about using rel=canonical vs. 301 redirects. It takes longer for Google to find the rel=canonical pages but 301 redirects seem to lose impact (link juice) over time. Is there similar churn with rel=canonical? Sam … [Read more...]