At the moment Google is able to parse ajax but not that well. Will this change in 2011? DaniĆ«l Voogsgerd, Veenendaal, Netherlands Making AJAX Applications Crawlable: Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: … [Read more...]
How is Google helping Google Analytics users with site speed?
A site using Google Analytics and other Google tracking codes do sometimes experience sites loading slower. Since Google is keen on site speed, how are you helping webmasters on the front? nijafriends, London Google Analytics asynchronous tracking … [Read more...]
How is Google Public DNS data used?
Is Google public DNS tracking all the website we visit while using it? Google is gonna get heck a lot of data. Remiz Rahnas, Kerala, India Google Public DNS privacy information: Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: … [Read more...]
How would a non-optimized site outrank a site which has done SEO?
When analyzing rankings for highly competitive keywords in our industry, we have found sites not as optimized as ours is (on-page), that have few links & little content are still ahead of us. What gives? Why are 'unoptimized' sites ranking so well?" … [Read more...]
Which websites are popular among Googlers?
Hi Matt, Which websites are popular among Googlers? For example, how many Googlers use Reddit vs other social news sites? Thanks! Mike Rogers (Rogem002), Berkshire, United Kingdom Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: … [Read more...]
Why are some of Google’s products not available outside of the US?
Why is Google so US-centric in its web posts and its rollouts? obscuredavid, UK Google's global blog directory, organized by region and language: Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: Want your question to … [Read more...]
Do URL shorteners pass anchor text?
Since Google is now using Twitter and Facebook links as ranking symbols, will custom URL shortners be looked at as providing anchor text on the links? Chris Burns, Florida Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: Want your … [Read more...]
How can I make sure that Google knows my content is original?
"Google crawls site A every hour and site B once in a day. Site B writes an article, site A copies it changing time stamp. Site A gets crawled first by Googlebot. Whose content is original in Google's eyes and rank highly? If it's A, then how does … [Read more...]
Google +1 Has Arrived
Google has unveiled its latest move toward socialization of the web under its dominion this week with the +1 (Plus One) button, which is a direct answer to the Facebook Like button. In order to +1 things, you first need a public Google profile. … [Read more...]
Top Internet Marketing Secret Tip #8 for Businesses is Bounce Rates
Top Internet Marketing Secret Tip #8 for Businesses is Bounce Rates. The Bounce rate is the time that a consumer stays on a particular web site and is used by search engines to help determine the relevance of a site once the consumer arrives. It is … [Read more...]