Can I use robots.txt to optimize Googlebot's crawl? For example, can I disallow all but one section of a site (for a week) to ensure it is crawled, and then revert to a 'normal' robots.txt? Blind Five Year Old, SF, CA … [Read more...]
Are there any plans to implement a “negative keyword” meta tag?
An orphanage website I work on is showing up for searches on "girls in bathrooms" because they have an article about renovating the girls bathroom! What do you think of the idea if a negative keyword meta tag to block irrelevant searches? Tiggerito, … [Read more...]
Does PageRank take into account cross-browser compatibility?
Does PageRank take into account cross-browser compatibility? If a site isn't compatible with certain browsers, does that make a difference for Googlebot? Land Lubber, Colorado … [Read more...]
Why doesn’t search query data in Webmaster Tools appear to match what I see when searching?
How come the search queries report in Webmaster Tools shows some keywords ranking and when we search for them they are nowhere to be found? SurfVoucher, Costa Rica … [Read more...]
Can a spammy website affect the ranking of other sites hosted on the same server?
My SEO client is using shared hosting for one of their websites. When I checked other sites hosted on their server, I found some spammy websites. Will that affect ranking of my client's website? Remiz Rahnas, Kerala, India … [Read more...]
Do tag clouds help or hinder SEO?
Do tag clouds help or hinder SEO? (or do they have no effect)? sppro, New York … [Read more...]
Are Chrome’s ‘usage statistics’ used in evaluating site speed?
Are Chrome's 'usage statistics' used in evaluating site speed? Blind Five Year Old, SF, CA … [Read more...]
Will adding my Twitter feed to my website increase my PageRank?
An SEO suggested that I take all the content on my Twitter page and auto-feed it into a section on my website. Will this really help my site's PageRank? Does simply duplicating my Twitter page really earn any juice? How can we capitalize on Twitter? … [Read more...]
Can you make the realtime results more conspicuous?
Love the new "real time" results displaying on SERP. Is it possible to distinguish these from the other results with a different background colour or surrounding border? I often skim over them and nearly miss the updates before searching again. … [Read more...]
Should I remove widgets that increase my site’s load time?
I'm trying to make my site faster, but I noticed that Facebook widgets slows down download, should i remove them? I think that it's usefull for users see how many people likes a page, don't you? … [Read more...]