Alain-Christian from Queens, NY asks: "Why doesn't Google use reCAPTCHA for word verification? As it says on their website, 'Answers to reCAPTCHA challenges are used to digitize textual documents.' Imagine how many more documents could be digitized … [Read more...]
Do links to non-canonical URLs pass any value to the canonical version?
Stav Zilbershtein from Israel asks: "Hi Matt, what if there are external links to a URL that is not the canonical one? Does the power of links passes on to the original URL or does links pointing to a non orinigal URL gets lost when using canonical … [Read more...]
Are there any negatives to generating a short list of ‘related posts?’
Alain-Christian in Queens, NY asks: "Are there any negatives to generating a short list of 'related posts?'" Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, head of Google's webspam team, answers questions from webmasters. We're not … [Read more...]
Would you accept a job at Bing if the opportunity arose?
Chris from England asks: "Would you accept a job at Bing if the opportunity arose?" … [Read more...]
Can I make sure Google always uses my meta description tags for snippets?
Youser from Siegen, NRW asks: "I use "description tags". Still Google search results often start with a date or alter the description snippet. Is there any way of controlling this?" … [Read more...]
How can I get Google to index more of my Sitemap URLs?
Bill from Stuart, FL asks: "The Sitemap.xml file states there are 10000 URLs but only 1500 have been indexed. After numerous crawls it does not appear Google is going to index these additional detail pages. What can I do to get Google to index my … [Read more...]
Should we be worried about a penalty if we quickly removed hacked content?
Maxster in Mexico asks: "Site hacks have been on the rise, especially on CMS platforms like Joomla and WordPress. If our site was hacked and damage was done by the hackers (doorway pages inserted and spammed) but removed within days do we have to … [Read more...]
What do Googlers usually talk about?
Magico from London, UK asks: "What do people in Google usually talk about? What are the main topics of discussion?" … [Read more...]
Will including generic product descriptions reduce the significance of my unique content?
Phil from Fillmore, Indiana asks: "On a web retail site, unique item descriptions are ideal for both users and Googlebot, compared to generic manufacturer descriptions. Some users prefer to see generic descriptions, too. Will including both reduce … [Read more...]
At what level is nofollow honored?
tzd from Earth asks: "I didn't get to go to PubCon this year, but heard that if there was at least one unfollowed link in a webpage, all links were considered unfollow?" … [Read more...]