HVR asks: "I noticed that, for example Texas widget and widget Texas, return different results. I think the gist is the same but the results were different. Id like to include both terms/phrases on my page but wouldnt that be considered keyword … [Read more...]
How can I add more than 1000000 URLs to a Sitemap?
Magico from London, UK asks: "What is the best way to deal with BIG sitemaps.xml (eg. more than 1000000 pages)?" Learn more about Sitemaps here: www.google.com … [Read more...]
Can having dofollow comments on my blog affect its reputation?
Brett from Michigan asks: "Are there negative SEO implications to having a blog with do-follow comments? What about commenting on do-follow blogs?" … [Read more...]
A curious question about cats
Georgiad from Coventry, UK asks: "Why do cats bums go up when you stroke them?" … [Read more...]
How can a site that focuses on video or images improve its rankings?
A from San Francisco asks: "If search engines rely primarily on textual analysis, how can a site that focuses on audio, video, or other non-textual content improve its rankings?" … [Read more...]
Is it worth spending time on creating tags and categories?
techguy from Las Vegas, NV asks: "In a blog, is it worth spending time creating tags and categories for SEO purposes?" … [Read more...]
Will Google offer ranking reports?
Ryan from Dearborn, MI asks: "Will Google ever offer (through Webmaster Tools or an API) a keyword ranking report similar to what WebPosition and various other scrapers do? It seems like it would greatly cut down on bandwith expenses." … [Read more...]
Are nofollow links irrelevant?
Dan from Bucharest asks: "Are nofollow links worth getting? Or are they almost irrelevant?" … [Read more...]
Will changing hosts cause any SEO concerns?
Fernando C from Spain asks: "We are a pretty big site. We are changing our hosting company in the next few weeks (same country). Should we be scared from an SEO perspective?" … [Read more...]
Can I target a specific OS using AdWords?
Michael Quinn from Mildura, Australia asks: "Will it be possible to target an OS in AdWords anytime soon? Would be nice to target OS X users the same way we can target by location, language, or many other options. Should be an easy thing to do?" … [Read more...]