Robert Enriquez from Charlotte asks: "Websites lose back links due to other websites going out of business or closing (Geocities, AOL, member pages). Does Google remove the back link juice that once came from these pages?" … [Read more...]
How many bots does Google have?
Jacob in Denmark asks: "How many bots/spiders does Google currently have crawling the web?" … [Read more...]
Is Google Analytics data a factor in a page’s ranking?
A, from San Francisco asks: "Are stats from Analytics (bounce rate, time on site) a factor in a page's or domain's ranking?" … [Read more...]
Is speed more important than relevance?
Lumenbeing from Los Angeles asks: "Since we're hearing a lot of talk about the implications of Page Speed, I wonder if Google still cares as much about relevancy? Or are recentness and page load time more important?" … [Read more...]
What’s a good screen resolution to design for?
Michael Quinn from Mildura, Australia asks: "What screen size to you consider to be the default size for "above the fold" content on a website? Obviously different screen sizes and resolutions will show more or less. So what's a good standard to work … [Read more...]
Is the order of links on a page important for SEO?
Matt from Lexington, KY asks: "Is first link priority an on-page SEO factor? If so, should we modify CSS or JavaScript to show the correct link first?" … [Read more...]
Introduction to reCAPTCHA
Luis von Ahn, a research scientist at Google, introduces a free service called reCAPTCHA. Learn more: … [Read more...]
Is cross-linking websites bad?
Linda from Lakewood, NJ asks: "If I have 3 websites, is there a problem to cross link websites?" … [Read more...]
2010 search predictions
Matt Cutts gives his predictions for search and SEO in 2010. … [Read more...]
State of the Index 2009
Matt Cutts talks about what Google has done for users, web developers, and webmasters in 2009. See the slides here: … [Read more...]