Bauer from Hamburg, Germany asks: "Google is showing breadcrumb URLs in SERPS now. Does the kind of delimiter matter? Is there any best practice? what character to use best?" … [Read more...]
What do you predict will be the big changes to search in the next few years?
" … [Read more...]
What are some running gags at Google?
" … [Read more...]
Which search feature would you add to Google?
PaddyMoogan from the UK asks: "If you could improve one thing or add a feature to Google search right now, what would it be?" … [Read more...]
How can I remove old content from Google’s index?
Sebastian from Germany asks: "We still have old content in the index. We block them via robots.txt, use 404 and delete them via Webmaster Tools, but Google keeps it. What can we do to quickly delete content from the index? … [Read more...]
Can moving my website to “the cloud” harm my listings?
" … [Read more...]
Google Search Tips
Matt Cutts, a software engineer at Google, provides tips for searching. … [Read more...]
Why would an FAQ page rank above a site’s homepage?
Alex asks: "Sometimes, when you search for a company or so, you won't get the main page as a search result. For example, you search for *example-company-name* and get their FAQ page listed first. How does that happen and how can we avoid it on our … [Read more...]
Google’s YouTube Channels
Matt Cutts shows some of Google's YouTube channels, some of the "hidden gems" of Google. … [Read more...]
Snippets and Titles
Matt Cutts explains how Google generates snippets and titles in search results. … [Read more...]