Tom Critchlow from London, UK asks: "If a site owner has a personal relationship with another unrelated site in a different niche and adds a link to their site from his, this link looks a LOT like a paid link. Since paid links can harm your site, … [Read more...]
Should I expect increased traffic if I optimize my images?
" … [Read more...]
Can I use “nofollow” in JavaScript?
Felipe from Córdoba, Argentina asks: "What's the nofollow equivalent for JavaScript links/redirections (now that you follow those too)?" … [Read more...]
Gmail Labs
Matt Cutts, a power Gmail user and a Google engineer shows which features of Gmail Labs he has enabled in his account. … [Read more...]
Can aa few non-safe words prevent my site from appearing in SafeSearch results?
Philipp Lenssen from Germany asks: "If you run a family friendly site which however every now and then mentions an adult word (eg because the word is ambiguous or just happens to be about sex education etc.), do you risk getting kicked out of the … [Read more...]
Gmail Power Tips
Matt Cutts walks through his Gmail settings. … [Read more...]
What should I do if I don’t know why I’m penalized?
AliceC from Los Angeles, CA asks: "If it appears that your site has been penalized in SERP position, but you have done nothing wrong and cannot diagnose what the problem is, how do you proceed? Do you file a reconsideration, without being able to say … [Read more...]
Should I link to all press mentions of my site?
"If I link back to a press article about our company, will Google perceive this as a reciprocal link and therefore give less weight to the inbound link?" London, UK Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, head of Google's … [Read more...]
JavaScript and email addresses
Matt Cutts discusses the practice of using JavaScript to hide email addresses. … [Read more...]
Google City Tours
Matt Cutts gives a tour of a hidden gem found in Google Labs. Check out Google City Tours: More Google Labs: … [Read more...]