What happens when you lose a bet at Google? … [Read more...]
Does the size of a website affect its authority in Google?
Brian Hancock from Long Island, NY asks: "How much does the size of a web site (# indexed pages/content) have an effect on its authority in Google's eyes?" … [Read more...]
Will Google personalize results based on user IP location?
Magico from London, UK asks: "Google is currently showing local results for generic terms (such as "restaurants") even when you don't specify a town/city. Is Google going to start displaying different results based on the location of the IP (even … [Read more...]
Sock puppet marketing
Matt Cutts talks about "sock puppet marketing." … [Read more...]
How would you run your own online marketing company?
Daniel from Thailand asks: "Hi Matt! If you would open your own Digital Marketing/SEM/SEO company, what would you do different from the other thousand companies out there?" Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, head of … [Read more...]
Does Google consider the URL of an image?
Paul Randall from Yeovil, England asks: "Does Google take into account the URL of an image when searching - eg could domain.com/cats/lolcatz/m.jpg appear in a Google search for 'lolcatz'?" Spanish subtitles provided by Diego PĂ©rez. Thisvideo is part … [Read more...]
Wonder wheel
Matt Cutts demonstrates a new way to research keywords. To see more Search Options features, check out this video: www.youtube.com … [Read more...]
Search Options
Matt Cutts demonstrates a few features of the "Search Options" panel in Google search. To see Wonder wheel, another feature of the Search Options panel, check out this video: www.youtube.com … [Read more...]
Search with My Location
Matt Cutts demonstrates Google search with My Location. … [Read more...]
Which is better: an HTML site map or XML Sitemap?
Raj in India asks: "HTML site map v/s XML Sitemap. Which one is yummy for Google search engine spider?" … [Read more...]