jman from Melbourne, Australia asks: "What are Google's thoughts on blog commenting? Obviously spammers out there are using this technique to build links. What is Google doing to combat this?" … [Read more...]
Uncrawled URLs in search results
Matt Cutts explains why a page that is disallowed in robots.txt may still appear in Google's search results. … [Read more...]
Will Google ever provide statistics on browser market share?
Ian M in the United Kingdom asks: "Will Google ever provide statistics on browser/OS market share, like NetApplications/StatCounter/etc.? You've got one of the biggest (the biggest?) data sets in existence, so your stats would be much more reliable." … [Read more...]
How can I merge two sites?
Rob from The Netherlands asks: "Can the "Change of address" feature in Google Webmaster Tools be used to merge two websites (Site B becomes a part of Site A), or is its use limited to moving a site from one domain to another? Do you have any advice … [Read more...]
Secret feature of Google Reader
Matt Cutts shows off a special mode of Google Reader. … [Read more...]
How are duplicate shopping pages with different currencies handled in Google?
David in Berlin, Germany asks: "A question to non-intended duplicate content: If an online shop can be reached through several TLDs (like .de, .at, .ch) and the only difference is the currency (and necessarily the checkout process) does Google … [Read more...]
How should I serve different content based on user location?
Martokus from Sofia, Bulgaria asks: "What is the best way to serve different content according to user country IP (legal reasons)?" Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, head of Google's webspam team, answers questions from … [Read more...]
Will you provide information about algorithm updates?
Ian M in the UK asks: "Are you ever going to do "weather reports" like Yahoo! does for algorithm updates? Simply a confirmation that one has happened would please many SEOs, as clients might think they've been penalised. Your algo update reports … [Read more...]
Can you benefit from content scraped from your site?
Biz from the USA asks: "Is there a way to benefit from content scraped from your site?" Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, head of Google's webspam team, answers questions from webmasters. We're not currently taking new … [Read more...]
Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking
For more information, please see the our blog post: … [Read more...]