Paul Anthony from Belfast, Northern Ireland asks: "Are different sites treated differently? eg are blogs treated differently than e-commerce sites? Does Google attempt to figure out the context of a site or are all websites equal?" … [Read more...]
Does Google value its own links for PageRank?
Robert Enriquez from Charlotte, NC asks: "Does Google value its own links for PR/Linkjuice? Google Bookmarks, Google Profile, etc. Reason - Google links never appear in Webmaster Tools" Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, … [Read more...]
What factors influence video results in Universal Search?
No Pork Pies from Brighton asks: "What factors influence a video universal result in Google? - I have the same video, one on YouTube with high views, comments and ratings yet the other one with low views and no comments is the one that ranks - why is … [Read more...]
Open Sourcing Page Speed
For more information, go to: … [Read more...]
My Tracks
Matt Cutts discusses My Tracks, one of Google's "hidden gems." … [Read more...]
Are links in footers treated differently than paragraph links?
Andres from Boston, MA asks: "Does Google treat links in footers differently than links surrounded by text (eg in a paragraph)?" Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, head of Google's webspam team, answers questions from … [Read more...]
When will Rich Snippets become widely available?
Adeel from Manchester, UK asks: "When do you recon Rich Snippets will be made widely available? Can I suggest a tool in Google Webmaster Tools that lets you view (or preview) Rich Snippets from your site?" Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in … [Read more...]
Why are .com sites ranking highly in UK SERPs?
For a followup post about this video, please see: guavarian from the UK asks: "Why are the UK SERPS still really poor with irrelevant non UK sites (US/Aus/NZ) ranking very high since early June?" Thisvideo is part of a … [Read more...]
Specifying an image’s license using RDFa
Peter Linsley from Google describes how to let Google know which licenses your images are released under using RDFa. … [Read more...]
How do you use Google Webmaster Tools?
Introducing a new way to share your search-related tips with webmasters. For more information, check out our instructions: … [Read more...]