Hello Matt, a recent article of Danny Sullivan suggests that Google uses Twitter and Facebook links as a ranking signal. Can you confirm this? Can you elaborate a little bit more on this? -WebSEOAnalytics Read the article: searchengineland.com Have a … [Read more...]
How do you see search working a decade from now?
JimmyB in London, UK asks: "How do you see search working a decade from now?" … [Read more...]
How many search algorithm changes were made in 2009?
Pulkit Agrawal in Ahmedabad, India asks: "Can you please tell us: a) How many changes did Google make to their primary search algorithm in 2009 till date? b) Is content still the king or something else (structure) has taken over? This is some big … [Read more...]
What is the future of semantic search?
Magico from London, UK asks: "What is the future of semantic search?" … [Read more...]
Is speed more important than relevance?
Lumenbeing from Los Angeles asks: "Since we're hearing a lot of talk about the implications of Page Speed, I wonder if Google still cares as much about relevancy? Or are recentness and page load time more important?" … [Read more...]
2010 search predictions
Matt Cutts gives his predictions for search and SEO in 2010. … [Read more...]
Product Search for Webmasters
Presented by Maile Ohye. … [Read more...]
Using a barcode scanner with Google Book Search
Matt takes a break from SEO for a bit and shows off a fun excuse to play with a gadget. … [Read more...]
Is Google doing anything different for Twitter results?
Matt from California asks: "Is Google doing anything different when it comes to serving up Twitter results?" Recorded on April 23, 2009. … [Read more...]
Google Image Search
Peter Linsley's presentation on Google Image Search, originally delivered at SMX West in February, 2009. … [Read more...]